Xuemei Huang
“Forms are born and die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms.” – Eckhart Tolle.
Mei explores whether our current or desired lifestyles are truly authentic or simply the best
paradigms we've found within our civilization. While many artists reproduce reality, Mei aspires to
be among those who creatively suggest new paths, challenging tightly knit ideas and making small
cracks in conventional thinking.
“Forms are born and die, yet you are aware of the eternal underneath the forms.” – Eckhart Tolle.
Mei explores whether our current or desired lifestyles are truly authentic or simply the best
paradigms we've found within our civilization. While many artists reproduce reality, Mei aspires to
be among those who creatively suggest new paths, challenging tightly knit ideas and making small
cracks in conventional thinking.
Degree Show Location: St. James’ Hatcham Building (Church)