Margaret Ayres


Margaret's paintings are unsettling glimpses into the domestic sphere. She portrays quietly uncanny scenes, rendered with an exhaustive approach to hyperreal color and texture. These meticulously crafted surfaces mask layers of psychological and cultural complexity, held in subtle but vital moments of narrative tension. A shotgun, towering over a child, or a child's hand reaching for a dead mother's hair, hint at unspoken tragedies. Margaret's work invites viewers to confront the unsettling realities that lurk beneath the surface of normalcy, pulling towards the latent violence, longing, and vulnerability that are part of the human condition, without resorting to explicit depictions of trauma.

    Margaret Ayres, (b.1997, Texas) lives and works in London. She graduated from University of Texas at Dallas with a B.S. in psychology (2020). After three years of research work in a psychology lab and three years of obsessively trying to find time to paint, Margaret transitioned her career goals from science to art. She has exhibited in New York, London, and Dallas as well as worked as a fine art conservator.

      Degree Show Location: Laurie Grove Baths, (Second Floor on balcony)

    And This Will End in Tears
    It’s No Use Going Back to Yesterday
    Going Home
    And Then One Night in Desperation
    A Momentary Loss of Muscular Coordination