Liselotte Klint
The common denominator of Liselotte Klint’s practice is an interest in human behaviour, especially in relation to social and psychological dynamics. Klint’s works often take form of abstract gesticulations or movements that search to frame or capture emotional states and dominance in our relations.
The common denominator of Liselotte Klint’s practice is an interest in human behaviour, especially in relation to social and psychological dynamics. Klint’s works often take form of abstract gesticulations or movements that search to frame or capture emotional states and dominance in our relations.
Klint is from Copenhagen, Denmark. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Science and a master’s degree in Communication and Cultural Studies, both from Roskilde University (DK).
Klint is from Copenhagen, Denmark. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Science and a master’s degree in Communication and Cultural Studies, both from Roskilde University (DK).
Degree Show Location:
Ben Pimlott Building, 4th floor
It’s difficult but not impossible, Plastic food wrap, steel wire, 27x35x7cm, 2023